Want an easier way to select a book? Let a librarian do it! Each box will include a book from our collection, a treat, and other fun things. Sign up by February 10th to receive the required questionnaire form to be submitted by February 12th. Boxes can be picked up starting February 15th.February boxes will be friendship/romance themed! If you are not interested in receiving a friendship/romance book, please let us know on your questionnaire.
Pick your favorite gnome to color with infusible ink pens and heat with the mug press to make it permanent!
What did the blueberry say to the strawberry on Valentine’s Day? I love you berry much! Play bingo, make crafts, share jokes, and go on a scavenger hunt.
Explore the lives of the Lincoln family members following the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln with Valerie Gugala. Learn how Mary Lincoln and her surviving children, Robert and Thomas (Tad), coped with their immense loss and the challenges they faced in the post-war period, such as Mary's struggles with grief and mental health, Robert's career and public life, and Tad's early death.
Toddle in for stories, songs, rhymes, and activities designed to introduce pre-reading skills to children aged 24 to 35 months, with their parent or caregiver.
Children ages 3-5 years old will listen to stories, sing songs, and engage in learning activities about letters, numbers, and more.